These pictures give some
of the design detail. Starting left is the detail showing
the use of the farite cores and through chassis bypass
between the RF area and the front panel. This picture
also shows how the filament transformer (out of the RF
deck) feed the filaments of the 8877. The next picture
down shows the RF suppression of the control lines (remote
AC on/off, 117VAC, B-). Again see the use of the ferrite
beads. The top left picture shows the large ferrite cores
fiber wrapped. The band switch is custom made and shorts
the previous contacts (arcing issue). Originally the amp
was designed to have separate WARC band positions. This
was eliminated in the final design. The meters were effectively
glued in. (picture to the right). The Band switch (front
panel) is linked to the input selector via the chain link
shown in the picture.