The most unusual thing about this receiver (other that being prettier than when it came from the Factory) is the filter option. Note in the top view middle
right front is a mechanical filter option plugged in place of V6 first IF 6SG7 tube. There were three filter options made for the 75A-1 receiver 353C-14, 353C-31 and 353C-60. The
corresponding bandwidth is 1.4 kHz, 3.1KHZ. and 6.0 kHz respectively. The unit in the 75A-1 is the 353C-14 for RTTY application.
This receiver is the result of a Howard Mills W3HM restoration work. The craftsmanship is obvious. The original designation for this receiver was the "75A"
as reported in September 1947 QST. This receiver used 500KHZ IF - different from the other 75A series.