Collins 75A-2 Receiver


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First off, it is immediately obvious that this receiver has been restored by W3HM Howard Mills because of his signature bright work. Careful inspection of the top view indicates that this receiver has a home-brew crystal calibrator (upper left corner in place of the standard BR-1), the rare Narrow Band Frequency Modulation (NBFM) Detector (PN. 148C-1 middle top - sells for about $300 (08/00) in the collectors market) and a home-brew mechanical filter assembly (right side of the Permeability Tuned Oscillator (PTO) center). This assembly is a Howard Mills addition that adds some of the late model 75A-2A capability to this receiver. The 75A-2 receiver was never manufactured with a mechanical filter. At the end of the 75A-2 production Collins Radio offered the enhanced 75A-2A with two mechanical filters. A lever switch was connected to the Beat Frequency Oscillator (BFO) shaft enabling the operation of of the filter selection (typically 3.1 KHZ or 800HZ.). Another addition not standard on the production receiver is the large vernier knob assembly (PN. 520 5430 00 1 Sept. 1956) to control the main band spread of the receiver ($200 08/00 in the collectors market). In addition to the obvious modifications, Howard Mills added internal modifications to improve the performance of the receiver (AGC, etc.).

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